Friday, January 9, 2009

Raiders of the Lost Fridge

Boy, oh Boy! I wouldn't want to be in Indiana Henry and Ferret Jones's paws this weekend when their Mom and Dad get home. As you know, we feed them during the week while their guardians work. We feed them well I might add, but obviously with the very cold weather not enough (yes I'm making excuses for them). Well, how are they supposed to know that the fridge is off limits and not up for a midnight raid? They stole the bacon and ate it,... all of it. Hell, we were so worried about them being sick, but we checked on them all day and night and they were just fine. I can't vouch that the cat burglars won't be in big trouble though when the jury gets home.

1 comment:

  1. What naughty cats!! Mind you, one of mine once had an entire chicken breast from worktop that was waiting to go in the oven...
