Thursday, December 31, 2009

Close Encounters

Molly came rushing into the kitchen this morning and when I looked up, a huge shadow crossed the kitchen window. I thought, now what? What now indeed, it was a flock of at least ten really huge birds circling our little pear tree. I thought it can't be swans and it wasn't. Looking up they were white but had black tipped wings. They had great big yellow hooked beaks and looked menacing. They circled for a good ten minutes and it seemed as if Molly and I were suspended in a snowglobe. It was a weird experience and I was glad Molly had the good sense to be worried and come in. They were hungry for sure. After sorting through my bird books I discovered they were herring gulls, a bit far from home I think. I really hope so, I wouldn't want them at my bird table every day if ever.

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