Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Plot Thickens

Well it's been another hectic week down the plot by the look of things. The growing season is obviously well on its way without us.When we got down there today, after only two days away, everything was lush and thick. We have giant cos lettuce, mazuna taking over, but healthy, giant radish , strawberries ripening as we watched, gooseberries the size of golf balls, and apple tree branches which are groaning with the weight of the fruit and needing support All our swedes and parsnips are well germinated and up and running . In general, it was a sight to behold. And yet, the work has only just begun because there is now harvesting every day, not that we are complaining, but harvesting means jam making, cooking, blanching and freezing. Oh yes, and lots of eating. Amongst all these rich pickings,there is a down side, our onions have gone twirly-curly. Goodness knows what has happened to them but they've got to come up. Fred, who had the plot before us, was known as the 'Onion King', we fear that we will never be 'royalty'. The upside of our downside, was that Chris, next plot up but one, gave us some corn to replace the four of ours which have gone missing, so kind of her. As we carried away a trug full of bounty which included a cos, lollo rosso, radish, rhubarb, strawberries and spinach we were thankful that this is the beginning and not the end of the season. What delights yet await us?

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