Sunday, October 26, 2008


We have had a week full of cats this week. The problem with Molly being so friendly is that she brings home every cat she meets. She probably tells them 'Come back to my place, my Mommy and Daddy will give you some dinner' This has resulted in a stranger arriving who we call the-cat-with-no-name as, although he lives around here, we don't actually know who he belongs to or, indeed, what he is called. He is not a stray because he has a collar with a blue bell. None of our neighbours like this cat so, when they see him, they run him off. We won't do that however, so we will try and find out where he comes from. Unlike Henry, who once he has been fed goes away again, this cat hangs around so we don't feed him.We don't really want him wandering around our house in case it upsets Molly. It definitely upsets Henry who is frightened of this cat, so he stays here longer until he is sure that the other cat has gone away. This has now resulted in us not knowing whether we are coming or going or going and coming having to keep doors shut etc.Our, niece to be was here yesterday who has a real phobia against cats so we had to make sure that Molly was kept away from her and Henry turned up so we had to lock him out of the room as well. This resulted in a true British farce. Henry's Mom and Dad have gone away this weekend so we are going to their house to feed him and his brother Ferret. At least we got one of our hours back this weekend but not our sanity!

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