Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Flying Geese

I expected to have finished my quilt by the autumn, after working on it for the best part of this year, but I have finished it on the day I heard the geese calling for the first time on what will be one of their many practice runs before their mammoth journey. It was especially wonderful to be able to have the memory of my flying geese quilt with their calls. I have made many quilts but this kingsized one is my biggest yet, I have made it to celebrate our Ruby Wedding Anniversary this September. I can say after wrestling with the finishing touches it will most definitely keep us warm in this fuel starved winter.

1 comment:

  1. Your flying geese quilt is fabulous, Plum - I love it!

    My friend Kath does a lot of quilting (she's Vegetable Heaven on the link list on my blog, if you want to peep at some of hers) - I'm afraid that it takes more skill and patience than what I have!
