When it comes to cooking, I am definitely not a New Man.
When I was growing up, Mother did all the cooking and therefore all I had to do was eat whatever she put in front of me. After we were married, Plum was already a good cook and so I still didn't have to. Over the past forty years I have managed to cook porridge, toast bread, boil water for tea and coffee and pour milk over cornflakes but that is the sum total of my culinary efforts. I do, however, act as sous chef (see I even know technical terms) when we are preparing meals and I am a dab hand at washing and drying up.
I am an avid watcher of Masterchef, Jamie Oliver, Delia Smith etc and so I have some idea of what ingredients go together to make a meal and in theory, therefore I should be able to cook. There comes a time, however, when a man has to do what a man has to do and, as Plum has a special birthday coming up and she has expressed a wish for an Italian evening, I have committed myself to cooking dinner for her on that day.
I have already looked through Jamie Oliver's book and have some idea of what I could possibly do, therefore I am, with Plum's help, going to take the bull by the horns and give it a go. I will keep you posted as to if, and how, my culinary skills progress, so watch this space!!!