Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Turn it Off!!

Yesterday, we went to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. That's two and a half hours I won't get back again. We are big fans of Harry, however, this movie is the least interesting of the lot. No action, plodding direction and a waste of Alan Rickman who makes a brilliant Severous Snape. However, I digress. Before the movie starts, there is a notice flashed on screen (in this case by a talking guinea pig - dont' ask)) requesting patrons to turn off their mobile phones. A very reasonable request one would think. Not so, I'm afraid, for the people in the row in front of us. Their faces were bathed in a deathly glow from the screens of their phones all the way through the film. What can possibly be so important that they cannot bear to turn them off for a couple of hours? Are they expecting an important call from the P.M? Do they expect at any moment to be called to save the world from terrorists? I hardly think so. No, it's more likely that they were ordering a take away for when the movie finished. Why is it, that no one can bear to be out of touch with their fellow humans for even a short time? I have to admit, that even Plum and I are guilty of this otherwise why would we be blogging? The answer to this is, of course, that we like to keep up with everyone's adventures, don't we?

1 comment:

  1. More likely they were trying to film the whole movie so they could sell dodgy DVDs of it later..!
